Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Add Me MobWars tips and Strategies

Here are some Tips for mob wars. If you follow these tips for your real life and not just this facebook game you would be doing very well..LOL...seriously....add me

  • get property, as much as possible and frequently. It will really help in the long run. ...game cheats
  • Don't buy all kinds of fancy stuff till u really need it. You don’t need that expensive toy etc, until it’s absolutely necessary, and not a moment sooner, since they cost a lot maintain
  • Try to make FRIENDS NOT ENEMIES.This seems counter-intuitive to the game, and it is, but it’s key for you to grow your mob without alienating all of your real friends.
  • Get stuff in stages of 5 or 15. The price goes up with each purchase, so if you buy them one at a time, you’ll pay much more for them than you would if you saved up for 5, or 15 and got them all at once.....(mob wars cheats and hacks)
  • Do work while you’re in the hospice When you’re in the hospice, you can be punched in the face, but not attacked, so in return you cannot be robbed of your cash on hand. Walking around healthy and withdrawing $30M to get those Humvee' s is a poor choice u wouldn't do that in the real world so don't do it here lol. You’ll get hit on your way to the dealership.
  • “Pigeons” are players who don’t store their coinage, and then they get upset when you clean them out – especially when they’re online. add me...lol No one can play every hour of every day , so we’re all pigeons at sometime, but do your best to put everything in the bank!...add me....ignore the add me and these"mob wars cheats and hacks" in these articles!
  • Stay tuned for more updates also check out the side of the page theres a group that u can get add me's for mob wars just put ur facebook profile id on the page or wait till the end of the week and ill send everyone a couple hundred add me's in there email!
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Shi said...

just started playing mob wars and these are some pretty nice tips :) thanks

CheckMEout!!!!! said...

no problem that's what iam here for!

Unknown said...

Join my mob! http://apps.facebook.com/mobwars/mob/do.php?join_id=509459300